stuff. useless items. in-adamant objects. crap.
I've found any number of the above on my doorstep when I get home in the evenings. It's not like I don't know who put the crap there, that I have no question about. If I find bags of old clothes, lunch meat, table cloths or empty boxes I know my mother has dropped by. She leaves these care packages on my carport each time she visits my house. It's like she's cleaned out her closet, garage or refrigerator and thinks of me. She bags up these creative collections and leaves them here at my door, it's kind of like christmas, ya know? Except you didn't ask for it, and most of the time you wind up throwing it out- but at least it's a surprise.
My sisters and I came up with this theory about mom's little presents she distributes, you see, it is a circle. If one of us manages to pass the "crap" back to my mother she doesn't just throw it away she re-distributes it to another offspring. So unless one of throws the item away or breaks the "circle" the items just keep resurfacing.
Tonight's gift was great, in fact it was tasty. She left a 1/2 lb. of deli turkey with some muenster cheese slices. Funny, this time it was the placement of the items. When I opened my screen door, laying on the threshold of my door was a zip lock bag full of lunch meat. Thank goodness it was wrapped well, I don't care for shoe dirt on my turkey.
Thanks mom, it may be crap, but because it's from you, I love it.