Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm a Genie in a bottle

Dumb song but interesting topic.

If you ever find a genie in a bottle, what would your 3 wishes be?

Mine would be:
• Photographic memory
• Ability to do math with out "carrying the one"
• A ski lodge in Montana with a bear proof perimeter


Anonymous said...

If I could have three wishes, I would wish for-
1. 1,000 more wishes (to include good health for family and friends, etc.)
2. Pure joy for family and friends - to include at least one good full belly laugh a day.
3. An automatic door for the front of my house - hey, a girl's gotta have some fun!

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above - what if you move from your house with the automatic door? then you've lost one of your wishes.

Sarah said...

I would wish for:
1. Private jet with pilot
2. Lifetime season tickets to every major league baseball game
3. A tracking device for my car keys (hours of searching for them would be saved)